Back Pain At Work? Talk To HR About These Changes

When you're suffering from back pain that is making you uncomfortable throughout the workday, it's important not to hide this issue from your employer. Employers would much rather make changes to help their uncomfortable employees lessen their pain, instead of end up with people taking disability leave because their back pain makes it impossible for them to perform their job. Schedule a meeting with a human resources representative to disclose your ailment and see what changes can be made. [Read More]

Three Reasons To Continue Seeing Your Chiropractor Throughout Your Pregnancy

When you become pregnant, it's normal to become more focused than ever on your health. After all, your health affects the health of your baby! One way to better care for yourself -- and your baby -- at this time of your life, is to keep visiting your chiropractor on a regular basis. Or, if you're not already seeing a chiropractor, start seeing one now. Here's a look at the benefits of doing so. [Read More]

Important Things Everyone Should Know About Seeing A Chiropractor

Many people have had success seeing a chiropractor and are very pleased with the results. Additionally, there are others who would have great results if they saw a chiropractor, but they have yet to take that step because they don't know what to expect. Here are some things you need to know about seeing a chiropractor and what you should expect. What Kind Of Education Does A Chiropractor Have? A chiropractor is a highly trained professional. [Read More]

Consider Chiropractic Treatment When Other Treatments For Tennis Elbow Fail

Chiropractic treatment helps relieve pain associated with the body's joints and muscles, including the muscles and tendons around the elbow. Tennis elbow is a common repetitive stress injury that occurs mostly in adults. However, contrary to popular belief, fewer than 5 percent of individuals who suffer the condition get it from playing tennis. Sometimes the condition is caused by a subluxation (misalignment) of the vertebrae in the lower neck or spine, which may make your symptoms unresponsive to conventional medical treatment. [Read More]