3 Surprising Pressure Points That Help Relieve Headaches

When your usual headache remedies don't seem to do the trick, you may find yourself rubbing your forehead or temples. The instinct to massage these areas is because your body has numerous sensitive pressure points and putting pressure in these areas can relieve pain, tension, or inflammation.  The pressure points that help relieve headaches aren't all found in the facial area or even on the head. Here are three other options that might surprise you.

Five Lifestyle Choices That Can Make Your Chiropractor's Job Easier

Although a chiropractic adjustment may cause a significant reduction in pain and improvement in range of motion, that doesn't mean you should expect to see miracles every time you walk in for a chiropractic appointment. It's important to realize that chiropractic adjustments are just one aspect of a healthy lifestyle and that other self-care habits can be equally important. You may be interested to know that some of these recommended self-care habits can even help adjustments be more effective and make your chiropractor's job easier.