Consciously Perform These Everyday Motions To Identify Limitations That Could Call For Chiropractic Care
As you go through the countless small and large movements that you make each day, it can be easy to not notice how your body responds. If you have an injury or some sort of pain, you might be used to subconsciously limiting the range of motion of the affected area, or you may even try to avoid performing certain types of movement at all. This behavior can be limiting, and get in the way of activities that should be pleasurable. Chiropractic care can often help you with such issues, but it's ideal if you can first consciously perform some everyday motions to identify limitations. Here are some suggestions.
Turning Your Head
Ideally, you should be able to not only turn your head in both directions without pain, but also do so to the same degree. If you stand upright and turn your head to the left without rotating your shoulders, note how far you can turn without causing pain. For example, perhaps your chin can be in alignment with the top of your shoulder. Next, turn to the right to assess that side. Maybe you can turn more or less. If you can't get your chin over your shoulder without experiencing pain, your chiropractor can likely help you with your range of motion.
Scratching Your Back
You might need to scratch your back multiple times a day, but doing so can be difficult if your range of motion isn't as good as you'd like it to be. Reach one arm over the opposite shoulder and note how far down your back you can reach. Then, repeat this assessment but on the opposite side. Try to mentally note how far you can reach; you could alternatively have a family member hold his or her finger at the point that you can reach. Lots of people can reach farther on one side than on the other, which is a sign that chiropractic care can be needed for this imbalance.
Lifting Your Knees
While standing upright, bend a leg and attempt to pull your knee as high as possible. You may wish to hold a railing or piece of furniture for stability while you perform this test. Note the position of your knee and then lower it and raise the other one. In some cases, you'll be able to get one knee considerably higher. This is an indicator of tightness in your hips, which could be causing discomfort, stiffness, and maybe even affect how well you sleep. If you notice any apparent limitations in these places, it's time to see a chiropractor, such as at Davison Chiropractic .